Free Yourself From Negative Sh*t
Imagine a life where you no longer fear the unknown, grieve the past, and see yourself living life and feeling pure and true joy!
Is your head full of negative sh*t and stealing all your joy?
People tell you that you are too sensitive. You can’t even put your finger on why or what?
Do you feel like your head is full of crappy thoughts and emotions? You’re grieving your youth and regretting your choices, yet don’t know what to do to make things better? Feeling judged, overwhelmed, and taking comments from others personally, resulting in an overreaction causing problems with your relationships?
Maybe you put on a big front for everyone else, so everyone thinks you are happy, but when you are alone, you are sad, sabotage your happiness, and feel unmotivated?
You’ve come to the right place!!!
You don’t have to suffer anymore. You can feel worthy and important and believe in yourself again!
If you are ready to CLEAR out the crappy head clutter, REGAIN your youthful anticipation for life, and reach that PEAK happiness again, say no more….
With a quick process that empties the cup in 3-6 sessions, you can have that freedom, and it is long-lasting. Deep healing back to the core with no more years of therapy, and it leaves you to feel whole again.
According to the science of epigenetics, it is possible to break the genetically passed down patterns you see yourself repeating and break the cycle. You no longer have to live with the traumas passed down through your genes. Again, it is possible to feel good using a non-emotional results-based process designed specifically for women to align their head, heart, and gut.
The breakthrough process requires 2 hours a week on zoom, going through a painless procedure. After each session, you will feel transformed and in control of situations that would typically cause you to think, such as overwhelm or cause you to overreact.
Full Life Breakthrough
Get as many sessions as required to receive a FULL breakthrough!
Also, SAVE $500!
About Karyn

Karyn de Mol is a Certified Practitioner in Specialised Kinesiology and Touch for Health, she has an Adv Dip and Master Practitioner qualification in Hypnotherapy, NLP, Time Line Therapy and Positive Psychology. She is a Hypnosis trainer and Creatrix Transformologist. A Certified Practitioner in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Energy Psychology. Karyn also has Certification in both Gut Directed Hypnotherapy and Food and Nutrition Coaching so is well placed to assist with your symptoms of IBS.