Supervision with Karyn

 Supervision involves establishing a supportive relationship between supervisor and therapist to keep the therapist informed, motivated, and prevent burnout.

Additionally, it’s crucial to understand that you can freely discuss personal matters knowing that everything shared is completely confidential.


  • Develop skills and brainstorm about faster results for your clients
  • Increase knowledge base for networking and marketing to grow your business
  • Revisit processes you may not feel confident about or have not used in a while
  • Explore different and alternative approaches to the ‘same’ problem
  • Gain assistance towards business and personal blocks with 100% confidentiality in a supportive environment
  • Have someone who is always in your corner to debrief with
  • Meet AHA, CHA and ASCH requirements


Under Karyn's Supervision

  • Access to your own private profile, which includes replays of all supervision videos, necessary PDFs, a booking link for your next session, and a supervision tracking PDF. This makes it convenient for you to maintain your supervision records.
  •  Flexibility in scheduling your 1:1 sessions through Karyn’s digital booking system. All sessions are conducted online via Zoom. You’ll receive reminders via email and text, and you can reschedule sessions without any fees.
  • Freedom from long-term supervision contracts. Sessions are arranged on an as-needed basis. Simply log into your platform to schedule appointments using your unique link.