Why Are Childhood Trauma Memories Ruling My Life

Are your old behaviors and decisions being dictated by traumatic childhood memories? Many of us carry all kinds of emotional baggage from our past that can have a lasting impact on our present. Childhood trauma is one of the main culprits for these unwelcome patterns, determinedly casting its long shadow over adult life in ways we may not even foresee. While we often try to ignore or repress traumatic memories in our subconscious minds, they continue to shape how we think, feel and interact with our current situation, making it difficult to break free from their clutches. In this blog post, I will discuss why childhood trauma memories are so powerful, how they keep us trapped in cycles of fear and insecurity, and, most importantly, what you can do to regain control of your life.

Why Are Childhood Trauma Memories So Powerful?

Childhood trauma memory is powerful because it shapes our “internal working model” of the world – how we perceive others around us and ourselves. Suppose a child experiences some abuse or neglect as a young person. In that case, they could develop self-doubt and mistrust, leading to a state of insecurity and fear carried forward into adulthood, causing them to feel trapped in cycles of anxiety and unhappiness.

Furthermore, traumatic memories from childhood are not like other memories. They can have an intense emotional component that makes them hard to ignore or shake off. These “emotionally charged” memories can be deeply entrenched in our psyche, making it difficult to move on and create new patterns of thoughts and behaviors.

How Do Childhood Trauma Memories Keep Us Trapped?

Childhood trauma memories keep us trapped by creating a fear-based mindset that is hard to break, manifesting as a feeling of powerlessness, an inability to trust others or our judgment, and a tendency to self-sabotage. The fear and insecurity that these memories create can be overwhelming, making it difficult to take action in our everyday lives.

Also, negative beliefs can be created and reinforced through traumatic memories, making it hard to identify positive traits or paths. Unhealed trauma can create anything from a feeling of low self-worth to an inability to take risks – all of which can hold us back.

How Does Childhood Trauma, If Not Healed, Affects You As An Adult?

Unhealed childhood trauma can have a long-lasting impact on adult life. Unresolved trauma can lead to a disconnection from the world and oneself and physical and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or chronic stress. It can also affect relationships in both personal and professional contexts. The fear, mistrust, and insecurity created by unresolved trauma can make it challenging to develop meaningful connections with others and build a secure sense of self. 

As an adult, you may also find yourself acting in unhealthy ways when dealing with stress, such as smoking, binge eating, procrastinating, or believing you are not worthy of success. These practices may even lead to illness and burnout. By recognizing the effects of childhood trauma on your present state of mind, you can take back control of your life.

How To Take Back Control Of Your Life:

While it may seem like childhood trauma memories are ruling your life, there is still hope for taking back control. Here are some tips for taking back control of your life:

1) Acknowledge And Accept The Trauma Instead Of Burying It Away:

Reclaiming back control of your life starts with acknowledging and accepting the trauma that has held you back. It may be challenging to confront buried hurt, but it is the first step to healing. Traumatic events can be intimidating, so taking small steps is essential. Start by writing or talking through your feelings and going at a pace that you find comfortable. Give yourself time and grace to process the trauma; healing won’t happen overnight. Releasing pain means reclaiming joy and contentment in your life again.

2) Reach Out For Support:

Although it can be difficult to talk about trauma, doing so with a supportive person or community can make all the difference. Consider seeking therapy or counseling services to help navigate your feelings and discover healthy coping strategies. You could reach out to family and friends who you know will listen and provide positive reinforcement. If you’re uncomfortable talking with someone, try journaling or spending time in nature.

3) Create Healthy Habits:

Creating healthy habits is another crucial step in taking back control of your life, including getting more sleep, eating nutritious meals, engaging in regular physical activity (such as yoga or running), and practicing relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing. These activities help create balance, reduce stress, and increase resilience during difficult times.

4) Find A Meaningful Pursuit:

Finding a purpose in life can be transformative when taking back control of your life. Whether through creative pursuits (such as painting or writing), volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about, or starting a business venture. Doing something that gives your life meaning can increase feelings of worthiness and help to heal from the trauma.

5) Seek For Empowerment Coach:

A trauma-informed empowerment coach can help you to identify the emotions, beliefs, and habits that are holding you back. With their guidance, you will begin to recognize the triggers and patterns in your life that have been preventing growth. A coach can also provide processes that help you go within and get an objective perspective on what is necessary to take charge of your life and regain control. If you need more support in your journey of self-development, reach out to an Empowerment Coach today. 


It is essential to remember how our childhood experiences impact our lives today. There is a need for understanding, and embracing self-development can be beneficial for recovery through recognizing the patterns of behavior that govern our lives. By identifying and addressing the traumas we have suffered as children, we can live a more meaningful life that allows us to take control of our present situation. Childhood loss is something felt deeply by many, it may feel hard at times, but if you can approach it in the right way and remain aware of its influence on your emotions, you will gain greater insight into its impact on your life today. Working on healing wounds from childhood can be an ongoing process, but nothing is impossible. Despite all the pain, accepting yourself gives you back some of your control and unleashes new possibilities for living well.

Suppose you are struggling with childhood trauma and noticing that it affects how you interact if it affects how you show up in your relationships or with your family and prevents you from living the life you desire. 

You don’t have to deal with this alone. I have been there and here to help.

I have a quick solution that does not involve reliving the trauma, where you can be FREE, living the life of your dreams in as little time as a month.

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