How To Beat Emotional and Eating Secrets?

Surf the Urge

A well-known DBT Technique, “Urge Surfing,” was created by psychologist G. Alan Marlatt. Surfing the urge is vital in beating Emotional and Bingeing urges. It’s safe to say that, as humans, we don’t always eat when we’re hungry. Sometimes we eat because the food looks delicious. Other times, the cells in our bodies crave certain … Read more

What Binge Eating Looks Like

goodnessmealternative what binge eating looks like)

What is Binge eating disorder or B.E.D.? It is a diagnosable disorder characterized by recurrent and compulsive episodes of eating substantial quantities of food. Typically, consuming the food quickly, the eater cannot stop and eats with significant discomfort. While B.E.D. is treatable and people get better, it is considered severe and life-threatening. Everyone sometimes overeats … Read more