Roadblock to Creating Best Life

As I get back into life after my cancer operation, I am more aware of the pains when I overdo things. This weekend I was taking a day of self-care and watching NetFlix.

Movies that draw me in are either feeling good or sad, and I picked the film All My Life, one of those tear-jerkers that I knew by the plot might remind me of a hard time with my cancer diagnosis.

Near the film’s end were words that touched my soul and a friendly reminder of a great philosophy of living our best life.

In the 10 x award-winning book I co-authored, Eating Secrets which helps change the relationship with food by helping the readers find a new relationship with themselves and all the ‘secret stuff. Anyone who has formed a bad habit of keeping them from facing their emotions, hurts, and fears they are keeping hidden will benefit from the information in the book to help them live their best life.

These habits often form as Children not having the skills to deal yet wanting to avoid pain and suffering and seek pleasure, not realizing that we will ultimately add more pain.

“The longer we avoid our ‘secret stuff’ and let the ‘dirt’ build under the rug, the bigger the pain becomes. Our brain is programmed to avoid it and seek more pleasure.” Eating Secrets

What does stop us from living our Best Life?

Struggles to overcome life’s curve balls, illness like cancer, mistakes, and all shortcomings, if not addressed, leaves us feeling like we don’t deserve to live our best life.

Some other Roadblocks can include:

  • A feeling of failing something or making a mistake that can’t move past it with feelings of regret, embarrassment, or shame 
  • Feeling insecure and worrying about what others are thinking or noticing about you stop you from focusing and enjoying life.
  • Feeling stuck or lost, not knowing what interests or drives you.
  • Dealing with all the unprocessed emotions makes it difficult to focus on what you need to feel fulfilled and enjoy life when you have emotions taking up mental space.
  • Outdated beliefs notice that old goals and dreams don’t quite fit the life you want now, so permit yourself to replace them with new ones.
  • Poor body image directly affects the level of stress and anxiety, which is a roadblock to believing worthy of living your best life. 

Live your best life by making each moment count 

  • Determine what it is you want to set your goals
  • Work out the priorities to ensure you reach your goals
  • Build the environment to support achieving your best life
  • Take action and do the hard things required to achieve the life you want

The same lessons were in those words that touched my soul from the Netflix film. “The average person lives 27375 days. It is all we get if we are lucky.” 

Make each moment count. If you are unhappy, you must complete the required changes and take a chance. Later is not guaranteed; after all, life is not meant to be lived later.

Live for today, live for now. Let the moments in life guide, heal, strengthen and inspire.”

Personal growth is essential for living your best life.

Personal growth plays a crucial role in living your best life. People who aim for personal growth understand the importance of being lifelong learners, always seeking new adventures and taking time to understand more about themselves. 

When you aim to improve yourself and grow more as a person, you aspire to be an active participant in life. Rather than allowing yourself to become stagnant, you understand that aiming for personal growth means you constantly seek new ways to heal and improve. You ensure that you’re always living your best life because you’re always seeking new ways to be a better version of yourself. 

Strategies to help your personal growth include:

  • Identify and understand your weaknesses and strengths
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Make a decision each day, even a small one, that will get you closer to your best life 

Most important, find people who uplift you.

Change and positive thinking stem from the inside. Several external factors also play a significant role in your life. One of these is the kind of people you have in your life. They can pull you up and help you become a better version of yourself. 

Finding people who encourage you to be better and support you when you’re down are called ‘expanders.’ These are the people who will help you grow as an individual. 

Surround yourself with uplifting people by joining my Facebook group Create Your Best Life

Purchase now a copy of the 10x award winning book Eating Secrets

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